Damn the Internet
Thursday, October 27, 2005

I should be studying. However, there are some new photos up on my Multiply site, courtesy of Brodie. Enjoy.
Oh, and it's my flatmates birthday today. Happy B'day Phil, awesome timing :-)
Sheep Scab and other miscellaneous diseases
Thursday, October 20, 2005

Oh how i love this time of year. The cold receeds, the rain dies down (and our roof still leaks), the layers of clothes peel off and the sun comes out. Perfect for sitting in a hammock in the garden with a beer... So of course uni has to spoil it all by slapping end of year exams right now. Been a while since my last post but that whole exam thing has had a bit to do with that; two weeks to go and there really doesn't seem to be the time to fit everything in. Still, semester ends on Friday so at least the addition of more information will finally stop! Now i just have to solve the problem of procrastination. Since i've had to buckle down and 'study' i've discovered Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, a Singlish dictionary (and Singaporeans with a sense of humour!), and PostSecret. I've performed in a production of "Il Maille per il Gruppo L" (an abbreviated opera in 6 scenes), cooked and eaten my first roast, wished my brother Happy Birthday in England 15 minutes too late, cleaned my room, cleaned my room again, and discovered the joys of Simpsons DVD's and reading junk mail. I've repotted plants, chased snails from our flower beds and actually read the Economist cover to cover. As for anything else in my life.... yep that's about it for the mo.
I need to study more. Wish me luck.