Tomorrow comes today
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Well, finally, i hear you say! Yes i know, a good month ago i said i'd fill all and sundry in on the happenings of the last hectic few months, and then proceeded to write nothing - but anyone who reads this blog (all five of you, barring the tri-annual appearance of my WinColl buddies - thanks Tom, btw) will be used to that by now!
So to the point, or more particularly: my life to this point. Since my last update, having recovered from my stolen Myspace identity, (incidently i have discovered i'm not alone in this, have a look at this video by comedian David Spade to see what strife i could've been in... - if i'd actually been interesting...) i've made it a bit further afield than Sydney! 
First stop was infact to the Murray river in Victoria's north west where a group of us vetties spent a fantastic week houseboating. Think sunny days, beautiful scenery, a wee bit of beer, spas and campfires. And above all else, no study!
It all ended too soon but then it was back to Melbourne for the big day of Graduation
and the subsequent party, as us vets are wont to have. Twas very very good to be finally done, especially officially. No going back at this point. And indeed i havn't. Instead once again, it was off for some more travelling!
So in the company of Phil, his family, Cat, Louie,
we ventured boldly to the Red Centre to go where thousands of others had been before us. Though thankfully, the aforementioned thousands were conspicuously absent as we'd cunningly chosen the off-season to make our trip. Despite being only three days we packed in a visit to Alice Springs, Kings Canyon, Ulara, The Olgas and of course Uluru, stopped (unexpectedly) in the desert, bought some aboriginal artwork and cooked under the stars by camp fire. It was fantastic and i'd love to go back. Maybe when its a bit cooler though, as 40 degree walks round Kings Canyon were getting a little uncomfortable. Phil also took bringing a 'wide-brim' hat a little to extremes.
The trip to the red centre brought us up to December and the travels didn't stop there. It was now off to Singapore and swiftly on to Indonesia for a 14 day dive trip around the last remaining Island of Dragons, Komodo.
Admittedly the important part of that last statement was 'dive trip
' and i suppose it takes a certain type of person (ie one obsessed with diving) to schedule a dive trip with complete strangers over Christmas and as a result, yes, there was alot of diving. But we did see dragons. And they were really quite uninspiring. The diving however, was not. Photos have yet to be posted (it's on my to-do list, so check back in six months...) but we managed to tick off another of the big five by diving at long last with Manta Ray. And for all you divers out there that havn't - do it! Even if it takes you as long as it took us, it is so worth it. If you do go to Komodo though, don't be fooled by 'the tropics', the water is bloody cold!
This takes us to new year and i think that's grounds for another post, as i'll be impressed if anyone has made it this far (aside from those who like me simply scan the pics and read this last paragraph). Stay tuned for the next update on life as a vet in the country...
First stop was infact to the Murray river in Victoria's north west where a group of us vetties spent a fantastic week houseboating. Think sunny days, beautiful scenery, a wee bit of beer, spas and campfires. And above all else, no study!
It all ended too soon but then it was back to Melbourne for the big day of Graduation

So in the company of Phil, his family, Cat, Louie,

The trip to the red centre brought us up to December and the travels didn't stop there. It was now off to Singapore and swiftly on to Indonesia for a 14 day dive trip around the last remaining Island of Dragons, Komodo.
Admittedly the important part of that last statement was 'dive trip

This takes us to new year and i think that's grounds for another post, as i'll be impressed if anyone has made it this far (aside from those who like me simply scan the pics and read this last paragraph). Stay tuned for the next update on life as a vet in the country...
My holidaying is over
Let this be a lesson
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I've never thought i was particualy special. True, i have a vet degree now, which i think simply highlights my stubborness over any other feature, and, i guess the travel i've been lucky enough to enjoy by this point in my life is fairly rare. I'm a passable swimmer, can juggle, i can make a dragon out of a sheet of paper (i'm proud of that one), tried my hand, with varying degrees of success, at painting, pottery and sculpture. Stuff that everyone could do really (with enough stubborness... or a CoE upbringing...)
So it came as a great and slightly disturbing suprise to me to find that someone liked my life enough (or at least one of my friends, in particular...) to create their own online version of me, using information easily accessible from this blog and it's links. I guess that's what comes from putting your life online for all and sundry.
Still, seems no harm is done, and i think things are sorted now... Hopefully. And if you're reading this 'Travesty' , no hard feelings mate. You live and learn.
If anything i suppose i should be offended that i could be copied easily enough to fool my friends... ;-)Incidently, my apologies for the slackness of my posting in recent weeks. I have been busy. Honest. And my computer screwed up too. So i have excuses. The first update tonight was going to cover all that... guess after 6 weeks it can wait to tomorrow!
By popular request...
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Showing once again that i do take the considerations of my readers to heart, i provide another slide show for your perusal.
This one follows me from the end of exams on Thusday afternoon two weeks ago, though the end of exams party and then northwards to Sydney for a well deserved rest at Kirsten's. With fantastic timing, while Melbourne languished in rain and snow, we spent every other day at the beach, when of course we weren't eating, drinking or playing tennis.
So is Frisbee.
The full set of photos will be appearing as usual on Smugmug if you want to see more of what we got up to...
This one follows me from the end of exams on Thusday afternoon two weeks ago, though the end of exams party and then northwards to Sydney for a well deserved rest at Kirsten's. With fantastic timing, while Melbourne languished in rain and snow, we spent every other day at the beach, when of course we weren't eating, drinking or playing tennis.
Freedom is fun.
So is Frisbee.
The full set of photos will be appearing as usual on Smugmug if you want to see more of what we got up to...
"All of life is an experiment"
Thursday, November 09, 2006

I'm Finished!!!
It's an odd feeling. I feel like i should be euphoric - after all, this day is effectively the culmination of something i've now been working towards for over a 1/3 of my life - yet instead i feel...
something else...
Maybe it's the long cycle of study - exam - study - exam that has been most of the last five years and it probably hasn't really sunk in yet. And then there was Friday, just sowing those little pessimistic seeds of doubt in my mind. Still if i havn't heard anything by 5pm tomorrow, i'm away - home and dry. My fingers are crossed.
Melbourne has really pulled out the stops today, the sky is a brilliant, crisp blue, the breeze is balmy and the birds are singing. Waiting for Phil to get back so we can pull out the beers and toast, well, just about everything!
You know what?
I'm feeling good now.
Why O Why?
Friday, November 03, 2006

When i have days like Friday and exams like that, this appeals to me more and more.
Apologies for the swearing, i was in a foul mood.
Two more to go...
See i have been doing stuff....
Monday, October 23, 2006
And so that's what i'v been up to for the last three weeks. From the top:
- The Victorian Dancesport Championships, scarily like 'Strictly Ballroom'
- Getting creative for Mitzi's B'day - amazing what you can do when you're trying to avoid study and have a bit of wood...
- Having a drink at the Mountian Goat Brewery, Richmond, and enjoying the best table football table ever... bar that one David and i found in the Galapagos... but that's another story
- Onwards to life as a graduate with both Louie's and my valedictory dinners. The law one was classier but the vet one had me as a guest speaker. People even laughed at my jokes :-)
- And finally the silly season has arrived with the onset of SWOTvac. Study is going well...
If that piqued your curiosity, more photos will be appearing on Smugmug, so keep a look out
And if you liked the slide show, visit Slide to make your own. It's cool :-)
Procrastination is Upon us!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Another truly informative posting for you all.
Just in case you get bored of popping bubbles...
Phil tells me you can waste about an hour on this one....