Real Estate and Rain
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Here's a remarkably bad picture of the location of our house from Google Earth (lots of fun if you don't already have it!) but evidently we're not high on the priority list of high resolution satallite imaging. Not enough (suspected) terrorists living here obviously. I feel the need to share this with my readers (ha ha) as we're a bit pissed with our real estate agents at the moment as a result of our housing inspection, scheduled today at 515 despite our efforts to get it moved to a more convenient time - ie when we would be there. So we rush home to get here in time only to find they've come and gone, early. Nice. And our roof leaked last night in the massive rainstorm that hit Melbourne.
So we called them:
"Are you aware of our leaking roof, as a result of said inspection?"End of conversation. So the soaking couch, and bucket of water were therefore missed on said inspection. Or maybe that's considered normal.
"Oh no, but thank you we are now. Have a nice day."
As indicated earlier weather has somewhat deteriorated since last post. Typical Melbourne. Still we're having people over for a few rounds of poker, and probably a bit of beer so that should keep the returned chill off!