Think calming thoughts.
Monday, August 22, 2005

I have a print from Cambodia. A delicate intricate design encorporating 60's psychadelic art, cambodian cultural patterns, elephants and the temples of ankor wat, (it is actually quite tasteful, despite what that might sound like) composed and created by a american-australian living in Siam Reap over a period of several months. It cost $75.
It's going to cost me over $400 dollars to get a piece of factory milled, phoney agéd timber to frame this print. Worth $75. Fucking ridiculous. That's four pieces of wood. Joined together.
The alternative is to pay $120 for a custom frame job with wood, of my choice (whoo-hoo), on the condition that i supply it ready to be framed. So, $40 for a bit of timber and then another $60 to process it ("That's a good one hours work, mate, and jarrahs a bloody tough timber".... etc) and then the $120 to put the bloody thing behind glass. $220 just to hang something i already own on my wall.
Am i irritated because of this? Yep. Should i be? Hmmm.
Otherwise very much enjoying my first afternoon off from vet in about 7 weeks. The vice-chancellor of the university is in to visit the vet campus today - actually he may well just have left - and as a result, us students get to make ourselves scarce, except for the select 'lucky' few who get to meet the great man. Suffice to say i failed to receive this honor. Damn. Beautiful (if typically Melbournian) spring day here. I think i may go sit in the sun, relax, and think calming thoughts. Much like the bloke above in orange.