We Can be Heroes
Thursday, August 18, 2005

For those of you who don't listen to triple J (there's a link on the left) the Australian youth radio station, you've got to check this out! Yesterday on their (note) POLITICAL SATIRE show Today Today, Chris and Craig ran a interview with Ms Ja'mie King, a nominee for 'Australian of the Year' in a currrently screening ABC show called 'We can be Heroes'.
To say that Ja'mie is the most vapid, vacuous, shallow and incredible character i've encountered for a long time would be putting it mildly! My flatmate and i sat in the car with our mouths open, listening to the drivel spilling from this 'girl's' mouth. And when she requested Anthony Callera (the recent Aussie Idol winner - and trust me Triple J does not play Aussie Idol) we realised this has got to be a spoof. And thank god it was. But the funniest thing is the number of people that have been taking her seriously. I won't spoil it for you any more so you can dowload a copy of the interview at Triple J and hear Ja'mie in all her glory; then check out the guestbook, it's priceless. With any luck too they'll be putting up her 'right to reply' interview from this evening - another classic in radio.
I'm not sure which is scarier - that someone this provocative can be assumed to be real by so many, or that fact that i know people like that.
In any event, i for one will be tuning in next week! (Wednesdays 9pm!)
Oh and VOTE Ja'ime!