Lazy Lazy LAZY!

Monday, April 03, 2006

i had all these grand plans about what i wanted to blog about. As with many of my grand plans, they never made it past the planning stage. However, on this bright monday morning, having woken up for prac at 8am (chopping up dead chickens - the best way to spend Monday morning) only to find it's scheduled for nine, i thought, what can i do that needs doing.... So here we are.
So what's changed since Egypt?
Good things:
  1. We've moved again. Though when i say "we", i mean my family.
    Adios Kuala Lumpur and Helllllloo Singapore.
    Another job for dad and a return to the land of my birth. Bit sad really. I like KL, but hey i like Singapore too so not so bad :-) And after all we wouldn't want to stay in any one place longer than five years!
  2. "My" shipment of furniture, as a result of aforementioned move, has arrived! House looks much more lived in now and i got all my books! And my comfy chair! and Dad's home gym/coat rack.
  3. A new fitter Andrew (hopefully) - as a result of aforementioned gym (dya like the way i'm linking this up?), i'm getting up earlier and working out in the morning. Getting that blood flowing and all.
  4. Vet parties! First half of semester is always good for that, though somewhat expensive. got a whole bunch of pics i've been intending to post for, ooh, as long as i've been planning to update this, but Multiply is giving me the shits. So far we've had: Toga Party (9/10, nudity), Barn Dance (8/10, more fun than it sounds), B&S Ball (8/10, feral), Scav Hunt (Didn't go, was being cultured) and there's Talent Night and the Veterinary Students Ball this week to come.
    More on those later when i post some pics.... Hah.
  5. Kittens. Kittens are cool. And cute. Our new flatmate Yaz was fostering five (now three) little monsters from 3 weeks of age. They're 6 weeks now and, well, ahhhhh :-) With five they were named in honour of our house: Andrew (now Runty), Phil (still Phil - he's boring), Yaz (now Riddick - she was ugly, therefore looked like an alien, Riddick [as in chronicles of] is an alien, therefore she is now Riddick. For all that riddick is a boy... Don't ask me - Louie came up with that), Louie (still Louie) and Cat (now Tiger - cos he's stripy)
  6. Only 7 weeks to go till i get to be a Trainee vet.... Freeeeeeeeeeeeeedoooom!!

Bad things:

  1. My digital camera broke. Grr. Three frikking months old and on the way to B&S ball the bloody thing just stopped focusing. No banging, no dropping, no kicking (though i was tempted post-malfunction) just sitting in my pocket as it hasd done many many times since i've had it. Makes you realise the benefits of 'old' technology for all that it makes me sound like a croctchey old man.
  2. My warranty card has buggered off. Or that's what i'm saying cos i patently didn't lose it. grr.
  3. Too much work. Bloody vet course.
  4. Not enough focus. Bloody vet student.
  5. Only 7 weeks to go till i get to be a trainee vet.... Arrrrggggh!!!

Alright, that killed some time and i've run out of stuff to say. I think.

Big shout out to my only tagger for the last two months - my esteemed younger brother, the Yo Fo bro and the Oxford massive! Peace out.

(someone shoot me.)

1 rambles


at 8:34 am Anonymous Anonymous rambles...

Film cameras forever


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