Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Guess what?
This time we got here at nine, only in fact class starts at 10 today. Apparently we were told this.
I love the ability we humans have to communicate simple ideas with no ambiguity. It's what raises us above animals
However, never one to miss an opportunity, i'm going to take this chance to update my blog once more.
'Big' news of the moment is that it looks like i'm saying goodbye to Multiply, and am investing in a faster, more user friendly photo hosting site. But then i suppose you get what you pay for! From now onwards my photos can be found at Smugmug. Hope people find the new format
a bit easier (and faster) to navigate :-) Nice quirk about Smugmug too is that you can vote for your favorite photos so feel free to let me know if you like my pics! Though given the mass of contributions i've noted to my blog i'm not going to be holding my breath.
We've just come back from our two week Easter break so apparently we're refreshed, and rejuvinated and ready for the final push; five weeks to go and far too much work to do. As you can see i'm using my time constructively.
Easter was nice though and tied up some loose ends. Got my final week of work placement out of the way at a clinic in Melbourne. It's a good thing to go somewhere where your confidence gets boosted for a change and i came away from that week feeling like i might actually know something. Having a third year student on rotation with me was big part of that; made me realise that i have actually progressed since this time last year! Sometimes i wonder though...
After the weeks hard work (watching other people earn money and save lives) we took the Easter weekend easy (and avoided the crowds) then headed off to Wilson's Prom for our dose of serenity (laughing at the chain of cars driving back to the city). The Prom was lovely, and a welcome change from the city, though since the burn off last February it is somewhat changed!
Still a day in the sun at Squeaky Beach, Frisbee, a sunset from Mount Oberon, a climb to the top of Mount Bishop and the excellent company of my flatmate Phil, his girlfriend Cat and of course Louie made for a fun trip.
We also had the added bonus of Anna's Toyota Kluger, an AWD thingy that eats petrol but had cruise control and a hell of a lot more space than my hatchback! Camping in true yuppie style. Check out the photos here
Then it was back to Melbourne, for a few days of study with ' brief' interludes of procrastination... On the plus side though i finally finished my picture frame for the cambodia print i got last year and so at last i may be able to actually display the thing!
In addition to the Wilson's Prom stuff, i'm slowly uploading more of the photos taken earlier this year before my camera packed up so keep checking in. With exams looming, procrastination levels will also be rising so expect regular updates! At present you can check out the Vet Ball 2006, the B&S Ball, the Queen's Batton visit to Williamstown, Anna's Birthday dinner at Crown and another of 383's housewarming parties!
P.S. Word up to my main man Brodie - tagger extraordinaire! Your hand signals are fully sick.