Real Estate and Rain
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Here's a remarkably bad picture of the location of our house from Google Earth (lots of fun if you don't already have it!) but evidently we're not high on the priority list of high resolution satallite imaging. Not enough (suspected) terrorists living here obviously. I feel the need to share this with my readers (ha ha) as we're a bit pissed with our real estate agents at the moment as a result of our housing inspection, scheduled today at 515 despite our efforts to get it moved to a more convenient time - ie when we would be there. So we rush home to get here in time only to find they've come and gone, early. Nice. And our roof leaked last night in the massive rainstorm that hit Melbourne.
So we called them:
"Are you aware of our leaking roof, as a result of said inspection?"End of conversation. So the soaking couch, and bucket of water were therefore missed on said inspection. Or maybe that's considered normal.
"Oh no, but thank you we are now. Have a nice day."
As indicated earlier weather has somewhat deteriorated since last post. Typical Melbourne. Still we're having people over for a few rounds of poker, and probably a bit of beer so that should keep the returned chill off!
Back to the Future Ball
Saturday, August 27, 2005

I just wrote a fairly long piece on Arts Ball from wednesday night. And i lost the bloody thing. Stuff it. I suppose this blog thing is better suited to brief notes than epic prose. Anyway, Arts Ball was a great night. Trust me. You can check out pics at
The photos tell it pretty well - only you can't tell what great costumes everyone else had!
The hangover the next day, combined with an abattoir tutorial was not pleasant.
In other news, finally got myself fit enough to do 2km in my swimming sessions. Working my way upto 3km and then we'll see.
Think calming thoughts.
Monday, August 22, 2005

I have a print from Cambodia. A delicate intricate design encorporating 60's psychadelic art, cambodian cultural patterns, elephants and the temples of ankor wat, (it is actually quite tasteful, despite what that might sound like) composed and created by a american-australian living in Siam Reap over a period of several months. It cost $75.
It's going to cost me over $400 dollars to get a piece of factory milled, phoney agéd timber to frame this print. Worth $75. Fucking ridiculous. That's four pieces of wood. Joined together.
The alternative is to pay $120 for a custom frame job with wood, of my choice (whoo-hoo), on the condition that i supply it ready to be framed. So, $40 for a bit of timber and then another $60 to process it ("That's a good one hours work, mate, and jarrahs a bloody tough timber".... etc) and then the $120 to put the bloody thing behind glass. $220 just to hang something i already own on my wall.
Am i irritated because of this? Yep. Should i be? Hmmm.
Otherwise very much enjoying my first afternoon off from vet in about 7 weeks. The vice-chancellor of the university is in to visit the vet campus today - actually he may well just have left - and as a result, us students get to make ourselves scarce, except for the select 'lucky' few who get to meet the great man. Suffice to say i failed to receive this honor. Damn. Beautiful (if typically Melbournian) spring day here. I think i may go sit in the sun, relax, and think calming thoughts. Much like the bloke above in orange.
We Can be Heroes
Thursday, August 18, 2005

For those of you who don't listen to triple J (there's a link on the left) the Australian youth radio station, you've got to check this out! Yesterday on their (note) POLITICAL SATIRE show Today Today, Chris and Craig ran a interview with Ms Ja'mie King, a nominee for 'Australian of the Year' in a currrently screening ABC show called 'We can be Heroes'.
To say that Ja'mie is the most vapid, vacuous, shallow and incredible character i've encountered for a long time would be putting it mildly! My flatmate and i sat in the car with our mouths open, listening to the drivel spilling from this 'girl's' mouth. And when she requested Anthony Callera (the recent Aussie Idol winner - and trust me Triple J does not play Aussie Idol) we realised this has got to be a spoof. And thank god it was. But the funniest thing is the number of people that have been taking her seriously. I won't spoil it for you any more so you can dowload a copy of the interview at Triple J and hear Ja'mie in all her glory; then check out the guestbook, it's priceless. With any luck too they'll be putting up her 'right to reply' interview from this evening - another classic in radio.
I'm not sure which is scarier - that someone this provocative can be assumed to be real by so many, or that fact that i know people like that.
In any event, i for one will be tuning in next week! (Wednesdays 9pm!)
Oh and VOTE Ja'ime!
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Heard of 'machinima'? Picked up an article on it last year some time bout a site out of the US making a online series called Red Vs Blue. Basic principle is they use screenshots from current computer games to make their own movies. Boba (to the left) stars in a awesome music video by Windspire Entertainment. Hours (well about five minutes) of entertainment and well worth checking out!
The Windspire site is not bad for a few minutes procrastination either :-)
And for those that as as bored as me (not that this is boring - though i suppose that's a matter of opinion) you might like to check out Red vs Blue
Is this site evolving in to a homepage for procrastination... hmm i wonder...
Day One of the Blog
Looking around at other blogs it occurs to me that there should perhaps be more of a point to this. As if spewing out my thoughts online for the few (though even that may be optimistic...) to read isn't enough. But i guess that will come with time.
Finished tutorial early today. parasitology for 3 hrs. It's amzing how much you can forget over the course of a year, especially when it relates to parasitology. And we only covered horses! We were briefly interupted by the arrival of my flatmates girlfriends new puppy (don't ask), a chichuawa, or however you spell it. Despite everything (i.e. breed) was actually quite cute but hasn't had time to get evil yet. Lunchtime.
Wow my life is exciting.
Phase one is complete
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Okay so finally got this blog thing up and running. i think. Hmm welcome to the big wide world of Blogging . Armed with html formatting for dummies. Think i might be drowning. So now that i exist online what to do.......?
It's amazing how far procastination will take you.
Btw anyone know how i can change the formatting of the 'about me' section to the right? It bugs me.
And so it begins

It's me - only i have less hair now.
I need a digital camera. No more of this borrowing shit.